The Law Offices of Kasim Carbide

Timely Solutions.
Sage Advice.

Kasim Carbide

→ Licensed to practice law in Illinois
→ Licensed Anti-Money Laundering Specialist
Urdu, Gujarati, Spanish, and American Sign Language.

Kasim started his career in-house working for a cryptocurrency ATM company.He has worked in-house in both legal and compliance departments since then, and for both small privately-held as well as large publicly-traded companies.Recognized as an experienced and passionate advocate, Kasim is a skilled transactional attorney that knows how to solve and prevent problems from turning into costly litigation.Taking a holistic approach, Kasim advises clients on contracts, payments, labor, employment, and compliance while balancing risk to minimize headaches and maximize revenue.

Nur Mannan

→ Licensed to practice law in Washington DC.
→ Licensed to review and draft federal contracts.
Hindi, Bengali, Chichewa, Spanish

Nur started her career by assisting low-income and middle class individuals with immigration, worker's compensation, tax, and family law issues.After many years, she transitioned to working for USCIS adjudicating cases, collecting evidence, reading body language, and recommending decisions to the government. She also recommended, revised and wrote policy for FEMA, which affected millions of Americans.Most recently, Nur worked for the Department of Homeland Security adjudicating cases.Nicknamed the "Closer," for her ability to negotiate and resolve disputes, Nur is an attorney that is equally comfortable fiercely defending her clients in court, as she is reviewing a real estate contract and advising on individual or business tax implications.Nur is licensed to practice federal law, and state law in the District of Columbia, and also licensed to work with and on federal contracts.Nur speaks: Hindi, Bengali, Noakali, and Spanish.

Our services include:

Anti-Money Laundering Compliance
Business and Corporate Law
Bank Secrecy Act Compliance
Criminal Defense
Family-based Immigration
Real Estate law
Traffic Violations
Landlord / Tenant law
Worker's Compensation

We've made it easy to access the terms of your Engagement Agreement with us.

Select your state below to access the terms of our engagement.

Terms for Washington DC clients.

We look forward to working with you.

Law Offices of Kasim Carbide
Attorneys at Law
Terms and Conditions of Representation1. Our representation of you will be limited to issues arising under the laws of the United States in jurisdictions in which the Law Offices of Kasim Carbide is licensed to practice. If it is necessary to engage counsel in jurisdictions in which the Law Offices of Kasim Carbide it not licensed to practice, or if its necessary to engage counsel outside the United States, the Law Offices of Kasim Carbide will be pleased to work with local counsel who will have the primary responsibility of ensuring that local laws are satisfied.2. Although our representation of you may primarily be handled by one attorney, various portions of the representation may be delegated, as appropriate, to other firm attorneys, paralegals and law clerks. The billing rates of each attorney, paralegal and law clerk working on your engagement will be reflected on your monthly billing statement, and a list of the billing rates of each attorney, paralegal and law clerk in our firm is available at your request. In the event that our rates increase in the future, you will be advised of changes in billing rates in the first billing statement that includes charges at the new rates in effect and you will be responsible for payment for services at that new rate.3. On occasion, there may be circumstances when billing for our services on an hourly basis is not appropriate. Under such circumstances, we will advise you that standard hourly billing is not appropriate, and, with your consent, we will bill you for services on an alternative basis.4. Any and all activities performed on your behalf by our attorneys will be considered billable time; these activities include, but are not limited to: the making and receipt of telephone calls; drafting and review of correspondence and email; preparation and review of papers, agreements and memorandum; fact investigation; reading and analyzing written materials; travel to and from meetings and court appearances; preparation for meetings and court appearances; and conferences with you, experts, or other attorneys.5. You will receive invoices describing the services rendered and costs advanced on your behalf on a monthly basis. Full payment of all amounts invoiced is due within 14 days after the date of the invoice. Questions or objections to any invoice or portion thereof must be raised within 14 days of receipt, or you will be deemed to have approved the invoice. If you do not pay The Law Offices of Kasim Carbide for the services rendered or costs advanced on your behalf within 14 days after the date of the invoice, The Law Offices of Kasim Carbide reserves the right to apply interest at a rate of twelve percent (12%) per year. The Law Offices of Kasim Carbide reserves the right to change your billing arrangement for the duration of the representation if you are unable to pay your balance in full on a monthly basis at any point during the representation.6. If the matter for which we are retained involves litigation where a contractual provision, statute, or rule provides for assessment of attorney's fees and costs, such fees and costs may be awarded by the court both before and at the time of any final order or decree. Because fee and cost awards are totally unpredictable, payment of our fees and costs is not dependent or contingent upon the award and/or receipt of counsel fees or costs decreed by order of court. All fees, expenses, and costs incurred are your responsibility and obligation.7. During the course of this engagement, certain advance payments may be incurred on your behalf. We expect you to prepay expenses in the form of an advanced retainer, or alternatively to provide The Law Offices of Kasim Carbide with your credit card information to charge these advances.8. During the course of this engagement, certain third-party vendor expenses may be incurred which include, but are not limited to, engagement of expert witnesses, appraisers, consultants, attorneys with expertise in a particular practice area or geographic area, graphic resources, court reporters, and document scanning and management specialists. If we believe that the services of such a third-party vendor are needed, we will discuss them with you when and if the need arises. Where services are provided by an outside vendor The Law Offices of Kasim Carbide will advise the vendor to bill you directly and The Law Offices of Kasim Carbide will have no responsibility for paying those fees and expenses. In situations where an outside vendor is not willing or able to bill you directly, we expect you to prepay expenses in the form of an advanced retainer, or alternatively to provide The Law Offices of Kasim Carbide with your credit card information to charge these expenses. The Law Offices of Kasim Carbide will bill you for certain incidental expenses, such as courier fees, outside copying charges, parking, and local travel expenses. The Law Offices of Kasim Carbide charges an administrative expense reimbursement in the amount of two percent of invoiced fees in lieu of charging you for internal costs such as regular postage, internal photocopying, overnight delivery charges, document storage, data storage, office supplies, and software license fees.9. If you do not pay The Law Offices of Kasim Carbide for the services rendered or costs advanced on your behalf, we may be forced take legal action to collect our fees and/or any expenses due to The Law Offices of Kasim Carbide. Should this ever become necessary, you agree to reimburse us fully for all costs associated with the collection of your outstanding balance, including, but not limited to, reasonable attorneys’ fees charged at our standard rates, plus interest applied to the unpaid balance, calculated at the rate of twelve percent (12%) per year.10. Unless you instruct us otherwise, to the extent practicable, we will generally transmit copies of documents to you via e-mail. Document productions made and received will generally be scanned to create searchable, electronic copies of documents. If this task is to be outsourced, to the extent practical, we will provide you with an estimate. If the documents are scanned in-house, you will be charged for the time of an attorney to scan and electronically organize the documents.11. Spoliation is the willful destruction of evidence or the failure to preserve potential evidence for another’s use in pending or future litigation. By retaining The Law Offices of Kasim Carbide, you acknowledge that in the event that litigation is filed, or potentially will be filed, you have an obligation to preserve any potential evidence that may be relevant to issues in your case. Potential evidence includes electronically stored information (ESI) such as email, whether on personal devices or work computers (including deleted emails), text messages, word processing files, spreadsheets, social media content (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, etc.), and any other electronic information that may be stored on desktops, laptops, servers, mainframes, smartphones, tablets, employees’ home computers, or on a variety of other platforms. You are advised that you must retain, in their current condition, all data and information on any computers, laptops, tablets, smartphones or any other device capable of storing data. You must also retain hard copies of documents including photographs, financial records (whether personal or business), letters, and the like during the pendency of the litigation if they currently exist. Intentional or negligent destruction or failure to preserve potential evidence can result in severe sanctions, such as civil contempt, financial penalties, or dismissal of a claim or defense.12. In connection with our representation of you, we will rely upon representations made by you, your staff, and your agents and representatives. For all purposes related to our representation, we shall be entitled to rely upon those representations as being true and accurate representations of fact and shall not be required to conduct any independent investigation thereof. The Law Offices of Kasim Carbide shall have no obligation to conduct investigation into whether there exist other relevant facts which have not been presented to us.13. Because of the nature of legal matters and proceedings, it is difficult to forecast the outcome of litigation, negotiations, proceedings, or matters, or to predict what the total fee might be. The attorneys and the firm make no representation or guarantee concerning the outcome of the litigation, negotiations, proceedings, or matters for which we have been engaged, nor with respect to your total fees, costs or expenses arising from or related to this matter and our representation of you.Similarly, at the commencement or during our representation, we may express opinions or beliefs concerning the litigation, negotiations, proceedings, or matters, various courses of action and the results that might be anticipated. Any such statement is intended to be an expression of opinion, based only on information available to us at the time, and should not be construed as a promise or guarantee of results or outcome.14. It is impossible for us to project the amount of time that will be devoted by the firm to your needs. If, at your request, The Law Offices of Kasim Carbide provides a proposed budget or other estimate of costs and fees that may be incurred in connection with your representation, you agree that such estimate or budget is not a promise or guarantee by The Law Offices of Kasim Carbide that fees and costs will be below the estimate or budget, and you will pay The Law Offices of Kasim Carbide’s fees and costs which are in excess of the estimate or budget.15. If at any time you decide that you would like us to cease further activity on your behalf, you should notify us in writing. Likewise, we may withdraw as counsel, terminate this Agreement, and be relieved of the responsibility of performing further work on your behalf, by notifying you in writing. Reasons for such termination on our part may include, but are not limited to, failure on your part to pay fees or expenses under the terms of this Agreement in a timely manner, failure to cooperate with the firm in preparation and/or execution of your legal needs, reasons mandated by the rules of professional conduct governing lawyers, a significant disagreement arises as to legal strategy, or discovery or analysis of facts and/or law which lead the firm to conclude that your matter should not be pursued. In such an event, you agree to pay any remaining balance owed on your account within 14 days of the termination of this engagement.16. After our representation of you has ended and we have received payment for all of the services rendered and costs advanced, we may request that you or an authorized representative pick up your files or documents that have been produced during the course of the representation. Absent extenuating circumstances or cases in which our firm specifically agrees to hold certain documents for you, you agree to retrieve the documents within 90 days of our request. If we do not hear from you within that 90-day period, or if you do not want us to return these to you, please be advised that we may destroy all paper copies other than those original copies that we determine must be maintained for statutory or other reasons.17. After completion of The Law Offices of Kasim Carbide’s representation of you in this matter, changes may occur in laws or regulations that could have an impact on your rights, responsibilities, and liabilities. Unless you specifically engage The Law Offices of Kasim Carbide to provide additional legal advice on issues arising after completion of this engagement, The Law Offices of Kasim Carbide has no continuing obligation to advise or counsel you on future developments.18. The Law Offices of Kasim Carbide represents companies and individuals who may at some point in time after this engagement has concluded have matters in conflict with you or your affiliates. The Law Offices of Kasim Carbide shall not be precluded from representing other clients who are averse to you or your affiliates in matters that are not related to this engagement. By engaging The Law Offices of Kasim Carbide, you agree to waive any such conflict and will not seek to have The Law Offices of Kasim Carbide disqualified as counsel to another client in the event of such adverse matters.19. This Agreement shall in all respects be interpreted, enforced, and governed by and in accordance with the laws of the District of Columbia and without regard to its rules regarding choice of law. By execution of this Agreement, the Parties are consenting to personal jurisdiction and venue in the federal courts for the District of Columbia with respect to all matters. Without waiving the forgoing, should you and the Firm have a dispute involving fees or the payment thereof, you and the Firm agree that such dispute may be brought before any applicable state or local mandatory arbitration program and, where required, shall be brought in such a forum. Except where such waiver is expressly prohibited, such as in North Carolina, the Parties hereby agree to WAIVE ALL RIGHTS TO A TRIAL BY JURY in the event that either Party seeks to litigate any claim against the other Party.20. You understand judgments and liens, including but not limited to consensual liens perfected by UCC Financing Statements, become unenforceable after the time provided by law. However, judgments and liens can be renewed as provided by law. You understand and agree that our Firm assumes no responsibility for keeping track of the date any judgment, lien, or UCC Financing Statement will become unenforceable, of notifying you thereof or for renewing any judgment, lien, UCC Financing Statement, or other deadline. You assume responsibility for tracking the date all judgments, liens and UCC Financing Statements will become unenforceable and relieve our Firm from doing so. You agree to provide a written request to us no earlier than six (6) months and no later than four (4) months prior to the date a judgment, lien or UCC Financing Statement will become unenforceable in the event you wish to have us renew such judgment, lien, or UCC Financing Statement.21. In the event our engagement letter is not signed for any reason, but you nevertheless request that the firm perform work, or if you pay any invoices rendered by the firm, such request(s) for legal services and/or payment of invoices shall operate as your full acceptance of the terms of the engagement letter and these Terms and Conditions of Representation.22. These Terms and Conditions of Representation may be updated on an annual basis.

Terms for Illinois clients.

We look forward to working with you.

Law Offices of Kasim Carbide
Attorneys at Law
Terms and Conditions of Representation1. Our representation of you will be limited to issues arising under the laws of the United States in jurisdictions in which the Law Offices of Kasim Carbide is licensed to practice. If it is necessary to engage counsel in jurisdictions in which the Law Offices of Kasim Carbide it not licensed to practice, or if its necessary to engage counsel outside the United States, the Law Offices of Kasim Carbide will be pleased to work with local counsel who will have the primary responsibility of ensuring that local laws are satisfied.2. Although our representation of you may primarily be handled by one attorney, various portions of the representation may be delegated, as appropriate, to other firm attorneys, paralegals and law clerks. The billing rates of each attorney, paralegal and law clerk working on your engagement will be reflected on your monthly billing statement, and a list of the billing rates of each attorney, paralegal and law clerk in our firm is available at your request. In the event that our rates increase in the future, you will be advised of changes in billing rates in the first billing statement that includes charges at the new rates in effect and you will be responsible for payment for services at that new rate.3. On occasion, there may be circumstances when billing for our services on an hourly basis is not appropriate. Under such circumstances, we will advise you that standard hourly billing is not appropriate, and, with your consent, we will bill you for services on an alternative basis.4. Any and all activities performed on your behalf by our attorneys will be considered billable time; these activities include, but are not limited to: the making and receipt of telephone calls; drafting and review of correspondence and email; preparation and review of papers, agreements and memorandum; fact investigation; reading and analyzing written materials; travel to and from meetings and court appearances; preparation for meetings and court appearances; and conferences with you, experts, or other attorneys.5. You will receive invoices describing the services rendered and costs advanced on your behalf on a monthly basis. Full payment of all amounts invoiced is due within 14 days after the date of the invoice. Questions or objections to any invoice or portion thereof must be raised within 14 days of receipt, or you will be deemed to have approved the invoice. If you do not pay The Law Offices of Kasim Carbide for the services rendered or costs advanced on your behalf within 14 days after the date of the invoice, The Law Offices of Kasim Carbide reserves the right to apply interest at a rate of twelve percent (12%) per year. The Law Offices of Kasim Carbide reserves the right to change your billing arrangement for the duration of the representation if you are unable to pay your balance in full on a monthly basis at any point during the representation.6. If the matter for which we are retained involves litigation where a contractual provision, statute, or rule provides for assessment of attorney's fees and costs, such fees and costs may be awarded by the court both before and at the time of any final order or decree. Because fee and cost awards are totally unpredictable, payment of our fees and costs is not dependent or contingent upon the award and/or receipt of counsel fees or costs decreed by order of court. All fees, expenses, and costs incurred are your responsibility and obligation.7. During the course of this engagement, certain advance payments may be incurred on your behalf. We expect you to prepay expenses in the form of an advanced retainer, or alternatively to provide The Law Offices of Kasim Carbide with your credit card information to charge these advances.8. During the course of this engagement, certain third-party vendor expenses may be incurred which include, but are not limited to, engagement of expert witnesses, appraisers, consultants, attorneys with expertise in a particular practice area or geographic area, graphic resources, court reporters, and document scanning and management specialists. If we believe that the services of such a third-party vendor are needed, we will discuss them with you when and if the need arises. Where services are provided by an outside vendor The Law Offices of Kasim Carbide will advise the vendor to bill you directly and The Law Offices of Kasim Carbide will have no responsibility for paying those fees and expenses. In situations where an outside vendor is not willing or able to bill you directly, we expect you to prepay expenses in the form of an advanced retainer, or alternatively to provide The Law Offices of Kasim Carbide with your credit card information to charge these expenses. The Law Offices of Kasim Carbide will bill you for certain incidental expenses, such as courier fees, outside copying charges, parking, and local travel expenses. The Law Offices of Kasim Carbide charges an administrative expense reimbursement in the amount of two percent of invoiced fees in lieu of charging you for internal costs such as regular postage, internal photocopying, overnight delivery charges, document storage, data storage, office supplies, and software license fees.9. If you do not pay The Law Offices of Kasim Carbide for the services rendered or costs advanced on your behalf, we may be forced take legal action to collect our fees and/or any expenses due to The Law Offices of Kasim Carbide. Should this ever become necessary, you agree to reimburse us fully for all costs associated with the collection of your outstanding balance, including, but not limited to, reasonable attorneys’ fees charged at our standard rates, plus interest applied to the unpaid balance, calculated at the rate of twelve percent (12%) per year.10. Unless you instruct us otherwise, to the extent practicable, we will generally transmit copies of documents to you via e-mail. Document productions made and received will generally be scanned to create searchable, electronic copies of documents. If this task is to be outsourced, to the extent practical, we will provide you with an estimate. If the documents are scanned in-house, you will be charged for the time of an attorney to scan and electronically organize the documents.11. Spoliation is the willful destruction of evidence or the failure to preserve potential evidence for another’s use in pending or future litigation. By retaining The Law Offices of Kasim Carbide, you acknowledge that in the event that litigation is filed, or potentially will be filed, you have an obligation to preserve any potential evidence that may be relevant to issues in your case. Potential evidence includes electronically stored information (ESI) such as email, whether on personal devices or work computers (including deleted emails), text messages, word processing files, spreadsheets, social media content (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, etc.), and any other electronic information that may be stored on desktops, laptops, servers, mainframes, smartphones, tablets, employees’ home computers, or on a variety of other platforms. You are advised that you must retain, in their current condition, all data and information on any computers, laptops, tablets, smartphones or any other device capable of storing data. You must also retain hard copies of documents including photographs, financial records (whether personal or business), letters, and the like during the pendency of the litigation if they currently exist. Intentional or negligent destruction or failure to preserve potential evidence can result in severe sanctions, such as civil contempt, financial penalties, or dismissal of a claim or defense.12. In connection with our representation of you, we will rely upon representations made by you, your staff, and your agents and representatives. For all purposes related to our representation, we shall be entitled to rely upon those representations as being true and accurate representations of fact and shall not be required to conduct any independent investigation thereof. The Law Offices of Kasim Carbide shall have no obligation to conduct investigation into whether there exist other relevant facts which have not been presented to us.13. Because of the nature of legal matters and proceedings, it is difficult to forecast the outcome of litigation, negotiations, proceedings, or matters, or to predict what the total fee might be. The attorneys and the firm make no representation or guarantee concerning the outcome of the litigation, negotiations, proceedings, or matters for which we have been engaged, nor with respect to your total fees, costs or expenses arising from or related to this matter and our representation of you.Similarly, at the commencement or during our representation, we may express opinions or beliefs concerning the litigation, negotiations, proceedings, or matters, various courses of action and the results that might be anticipated. Any such statement is intended to be an expression of opinion, based only on information available to us at the time, and should not be construed as a promise or guarantee of results or outcome.14. It is impossible for us to project the amount of time that will be devoted by the firm to your needs. If, at your request, The Law Offices of Kasim Carbide provides a proposed budget or other estimate of costs and fees that may be incurred in connection with your representation, you agree that such estimate or budget is not a promise or guarantee by The Law Offices of Kasim Carbide that fees and costs will be below the estimate or budget, and you will pay The Law Offices of Kasim Carbide’s fees and costs which are in excess of the estimate or budget.15. If at any time you decide that you would like us to cease further activity on your behalf, you should notify us in writing. Likewise, we may withdraw as counsel, terminate this Agreement, and be relieved of the responsibility of performing further work on your behalf, by notifying you in writing. Reasons for such termination on our part may include, but are not limited to, failure on your part to pay fees or expenses under the terms of this Agreement in a timely manner, failure to cooperate with the firm in preparation and/or execution of your legal needs, reasons mandated by the rules of professional conduct governing lawyers, a significant disagreement arises as to legal strategy, or discovery or analysis of facts and/or law which lead the firm to conclude that your matter should not be pursued. In such an event, you agree to pay any remaining balance owed on your account within 14 days of the termination of this engagement.16. After our representation of you has ended and we have received payment for all of the services rendered and costs advanced, we may request that you or an authorized representative pick up your files or documents that have been produced during the course of the representation. Absent extenuating circumstances or cases in which our firm specifically agrees to hold certain documents for you, you agree to retrieve the documents within 90 days of our request. If we do not hear from you within that 90-day period, or if you do not want us to return these to you, please be advised that we may destroy all paper copies other than those original copies that we determine must be maintained for statutory or other reasons.17. After completion of The Law Offices of Kasim Carbide’s representation of you in this matter, changes may occur in laws or regulations that could have an impact on your rights, responsibilities, and liabilities. Unless you specifically engage The Law Offices of Kasim Carbide to provide additional legal advice on issues arising after completion of this engagement, The Law Offices of Kasim Carbide has no continuing obligation to advise or counsel you on future developments.18. The Law Offices of Kasim Carbide represents companies and individuals who may at some point in time after this engagement has concluded have matters in conflict with you or your affiliates. The Law Offices of Kasim Carbide shall not be precluded from representing other clients who are averse to you or your affiliates in matters that are not related to this engagement. By engaging The Law Offices of Kasim Carbide, you agree to waive any such conflict and will not seek to have The Law Offices of Kasim Carbide disqualified as counsel to another client in the event of such adverse matters.19. This Agreement shall in all respects be interpreted, enforced, and governed by and in accordance with the laws of the District of Columbia and without regard to its rules regarding choice of law. By execution of this Agreement, the Parties are consenting to personal jurisdiction and venue in the federal courts for the District of Columbia with respect to all matters. Without waiving the forgoing, should you and the Firm have a dispute involving fees or the payment thereof, you and the Firm agree that such dispute may be brought before any applicable state or local mandatory arbitration program and, where required, shall be brought in such a forum. Except where such waiver is expressly prohibited, such as in North Carolina, the Parties hereby agree to WAIVE ALL RIGHTS TO A TRIAL BY JURY in the event that either Party seeks to litigate any claim against the other Party.20. You understand judgments and liens, including but not limited to consensual liens perfected by UCC Financing Statements, become unenforceable after the time provided by law. However, judgments and liens can be renewed as provided by law. You understand and agree that our Firm assumes no responsibility for keeping track of the date any judgment, lien, or UCC Financing Statement will become unenforceable, of notifying you thereof or for renewing any judgment, lien, UCC Financing Statement, or other deadline. You assume responsibility for tracking the date all judgments, liens and UCC Financing Statements will become unenforceable and relieve our Firm from doing so. You agree to provide a written request to us no earlier than six (6) months and no later than four (4) months prior to the date a judgment, lien or UCC Financing Statement will become unenforceable in the event you wish to have us renew such judgment, lien, or UCC Financing Statement.21. In the event our engagement letter is not signed for any reason, but you nevertheless request that the firm perform work, or if you pay any invoices rendered by the firm, such request(s) for legal services and/or payment of invoices shall operate as your full acceptance of the terms of the engagement letter and these Terms and Conditions of Representation.22. These Terms and Conditions of Representation may be updated on an annual basis.

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Please do not include any confidential or sensitive information in a contact form, text message, or voicemail. The contact form sends information by non-encrypted email, which is not secure. Submitting a contact form, sending a text message, making a phone call, or leaving a voicemail does not create an attorney-client relationship.
Copyright © 2019-2024, Law Offices of Kasim Carbide.